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Spain Retreat

  • There is something very unique about The charm of the incredible landscapes, the beautiful beaches, the world-famous cuisines, and the rich history.
  • Huda Al Medlej will take you, our special guest to an exclusive deep Connecting with the beauty & stillness of nature, healing and exploring the soul and your inner beauty.
  • A trip we intend to enjoy, relax, and increase knowledge of the beauty of ourselves and at the same time the beauty of this multi-civilizational country and the secrets of Andalusia.
    1. Madrid
    2. Toledo
    3. Seville
    4. Cadiz, Vejer de la Frontera (Retreat)
    The trip begins in Madrid on November 8’ 2022
    • Accommodation for 3 nights.
    • We will take special tours to get to know another side of the upscale capital, shopping and various internal trips.
    • And from there to a saffron-picking trip in the city of Castilla la Mancha, then to Toledo for a tour in old train around the city and ending with lunch in an Arab restaurant.
    From Madrid – to Seville on November 11’ 2022
    • A trip by express train to the charming city of Seville for 3 days (2 nights).
    • Will meet up with my friend Justa Guillén, who is a local of this city, to give us its secrets and learn about its Andalusian history.
    • It includes a cruise in the river called Guadalquivir (Grand Valley).
    From Seville to our last stop Cadiz “Vejer de la Frontera” on November 13’ 2022:
    • “Vejer de la Frontera” is Declared a Historic-Artistic Site in 1976, and winner of the First National Embellishment Award in 1978, Vejer de la Frontera’s most stunning feature is the Arab- Andalusian popular architecture.